Annexation Information
Orland-Artois Water District, with the guidance of the District Board, District Manager, and Water and Land Solutions Project Managers, Chase Hurley & Jenny Scheer, are currently working dilegently on the Orland "A" Farmers Group Annexation Project. This Project has the possibility to add 11,000+ acres of land, consisting of 24 Landowners (most of whom are already Landowners in OAWD) that are currently using groundwater to irrigate orchards. This would significantly help the groundwater subbasin and subsidence within our area by using surface water instead. Please see below for more information regarding the current Annexation Project, and/or documents for information about the possibility of a future annexation into the OAWD.
NOI OAWD Annexation_SOI Update_Infrastructure Project.pdfDraft ISMND OAWD Annexation_SOI Update_Infrastructure Project_F.pdf
OAFG Subsidence and Dry Well Map 11-2022.pdfEconomic Map 11-2022.pdfOrland A Farmer Group.pdfOAWD Annexation Overview_7February2023.pdf
OAWD Annexation Policy 03-19-2019 adopted.pdf